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PSC Insurance releases Scheme Booklet for Ardonagh Aquisition

PSC Insurance has released a Scheme Booklet on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)

Aug 23 2024

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Envest, part of The Ardonagh Group, today notes PSC Insurance has released a Scheme Booklet on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in relation to the Scheme Implementation Deed (“SID”) previously announced by The Ardonagh Group (“Ardonagh” or “the Group”) to acquire of all issued ordinary shares in PSC Insurance Group Limited (ASX:PSI) (“PSC”). 

The Scheme Booklet will be sent to PSC Insurance shareholders who are scheduled to vote on the proposed Scheme of Arrangement on 26 September 2024.

As previously announced and pending shareholder approval of the acquisition, Ardonagh intends to merge PSC’s Australia and New Zealand operations with Envest Pty Ltd (“Envest”) following implementation of the scheme. Envest CEO Greg Mullins will oversee the combined operations for Australia and New Zealand.

For further information from The Ardonagh Group, including contact details, please visit:

Insert Ardonagh website link

For more information about PSC and the Scheme Booklet, please visit:

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